4513 E Colorado Street
Long Beach, CA 908144513 E Colorado St is a house in Long Beach, CA 90814. This 3,004 square foot house sits on a 6,451 square foot lot and features 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This property was built in 1923 and last sold for $200,000. Based on Redfin’s Long Beach data, we estimate the home’s value is now $1,251,487, which is 525.7% more than when it was last sold. Comparable nearby homes include 347 Roycroft Ave, 324 Quincy Ave, and 503 Park Ave. Nearby schools include Fremont Elementary School, Rogers Middle School and Lowell Elementary School. The closest grocery stores are Ma N’ Pa Grocery, Henry Market and Olives Gourmet Grocer. Nearby coffee shops include Egg Heaven Cafe, Viento Y Agua and Daily Perks. Nearby restaurants include Belmont Burgers, Mama Mia’s Pizza and Restaurant On the Run. 4513 E Colorado St is near Colorado Lagoon Park, Will Rodgers Mini Park and Livingston Drive Park. There are excellent bike lanes and the terrain is flat as a pancake. 4513 E Colorado St is very bikeable, biking is convenient for most trips. This address can also be written as 4513 East Colorado Street, Long Beach, California 90814.